The program started at a football pitch across the Star of the Sea primary school in Mombasa town as a feeding program. After about six months the program was moved to near the Tudor Catholic Church where we were able to set up tents for boys to sleep in. We saw the need to get the children off the streets where they were taking drugs and getting involved in commercial sex and or drug trafficking. Two years later a priest Fr. George Grima from Malta saw the living conditions of the children and offered to build us a Centre. Archbishop John Njenga gave us a plot in Mikindani where the Centre was built. We are presently working at the Centre in Mikindani.
A high percentage of the street children found in Mombasa are from Mariakani Area. In 1998 the Grandsons of Abraham started an outreach program in Mariakani. The program aims at reducing the influx of children from the Mariakani community to Mombasa town. It also promotes community support and contribution in addressing the problem..
In order to be more successful in returning children to their families or relatives we saw the need of networking. We are now networking with many programs and schools throughout Kenya and Tanzania to help us know how the reunited child is fairing on. Since 1999 the Grandsons of Abraham has helped in the formation of Mombasa Children in need Network. In the Picture is Sr.Janefrances Malika-Director GOA.